Sunday, 24 October 2021
Where to Hunt Ghosts on Cannock Chase this Halloween
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Bigfoot Footprint Found in UK on Cannock Chase
Bigfoot Footprint Found in UK on Cannock Chase
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Keep on Squatchin'
Saturday, 2 October 2021
On the Hunt for the British Bigfoot
On the Hunt for the British Bigfoot
As a child growing up in the UK, I was deeply fascinated by documentaries
I’d see on the television containing Bigfoot sighting reports from the USA.
I’d sit watching them with my father and fantasise about what it would be
like to encounter such a creature for myself. In the days before the internet,
it wasn’t so easy to come across information relating to cryptids, and there
was certainly never any mention of such a beast residing in the British Isles.
I became completely engrossed in those stories, and my passion of discovering
the truth about Bigfoot still remains to this day.
I launched my official investigation into the British Bigfoot in 2019, and this book contains the results of more than a year’s work in the field. I encountered many strange and often spooky stories during those fourteen months. I spoke to witnesses from the British Isles that claim to have seen creatures that broadly match the description of Bigfoot, and I managed to get my hands on some astounding photographs that could prove the existence of a man-monkey-type lifeform existing in the UK today.
Almost all reports of the British Bigfoot come from an area of Britain known as Staffordshire, and many of them happen at a place known around the world for UFO sightings and paranormal occurrences: Cannock Chase. Is there some kind of supernatural connection to the UK Bigfoot sightings? While it’s impossible to say with any level of certainty, there is lots of information in this book that could well prove a solid link, and it’s a theory we will explore throughout these pages together.
Of course, not all sightings of Bigfoot appear to link to otherworldly elements, and so it’s sensible to keep an open mind as to the origin of the following reports. It could be that the beast is simply part of a previously-undiscovered race of primates that exist in small groups or alone in different places around the world. Scientists find new species every single day, and none of the animals they discover are attempting to hide from humans. That is why it makes sense that it would be difficult to identify a race of beings if they made a concerted effort to conceal themselves.
Is the British Bigfoot a threat? Well, as you will read in this publication, that depends on how one encounters it and what their intentions are. It seems very clear the beast does not wish to engage with humans, and would rather be left alone. Indeed, those who get too close often regret their decision soon after. Put simply: if you go around trying to chase this thing, you do so at your own risk! It’s big. It’s strong. And it really doesn’t want to be disturbed!
I hope you enjoy this book and find my investigation into the British Bigfoot as fascinating to read as it was to perform.
My days of chasing this creature are far from over, but this is a chronicle of my findings thus far.
Want to find out more? Grab a copy of the book here:
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Tuesday, 28 September 2021
A Weed-Smoking Poltergeist? Must be Cannock Chase!
A Weed-Smoking Poltergeist? Must be Cannock Chase!
Sarah Mills lived on her own and so she rented the cheapest property she could find. She split from her last boyfriend more than six months ago, and apart from going to work, rarely moved from in front of her television. The flat she rented was directly above a sandwich shop in the village of Heath Hayes, just outside of Cannock.
She would wake every morning to the smell of fried bacon and sausage, but that didn’t bother her too much. In fact, she never once complained about a smell during the daytime. It was the ones at night that begam to cause a problem.
Sarah had been living in the flat for around three months when she first began to notice something odd happening during the early hours of the morning. She would wake up in her bed and instantly get the strongest whiff of cannabis smoke. Sarah presumed someone was going into the shop downstairs at night and smoking it, or maybe they were even growing it in a backroom or something. After a couple of nights of this, Sarah decided to investigate.
One morning, just before she left for her office job, Sarah nipped into the sandwich shop beneath her flat and approached the counter. She asked the ladies working there if they could ever smell weed, and she explained what had been happening during the night. The ladies were perplexed, and slightly amused, but they were adamant the pungent odor was definitely not coming from their shop. They did, however, agree to check their CCTV cameras in case someone had been sneaking in during the night.
That evening, Sarah arrived home to find a note pushed through her front door.
That evening, at the same time as the last few nights, Sarah awoke in her bedroom to the strong smell of marijuana. But this time something was different. She couldn’t place her finger on it, but she almost felt like she was being watched. All of a sudden, Sarah jumped out of bed and ran towards her living room after hearing the sound of something smashing. It was a photograph of her brother. The frame and glass were both smashed, and the picture lay on her living room carpet.
Sarah’s brother passed away three years ago at the age of 33. He suffered a sudden heart attack and never recovered. The doctors said he had some unusual health defect that he’d lived with his entire life. They just discovered it too late to offer treatment. Another interesting thing about Sarah’s brother is that he loved to smoke.
Everything fell into place, and Sarah realised her brother was most likely attempting to make contact from beyond the grave.
She did some research online to find out if there was anything she could do to assist her brother’s spirit to communicate, and she decided to order a ouija board. It would arrive two days later, but things didn’t exactly go according to plan.
Sarah decided she would wait until she was awoken by the smell of cannabis again before she used the ouija board, but right on cue, that happened the following night. Sarah ran into her living room and sat down near the board. She placed her fingers on the glass and said “does anyone want to communicate?” In a flash, three ornaments on her mantelpiece flew across the room, and the glass under her fingertips began to move. The glass spelled out the word “run.”
Just then, every door in Sarah’s flat slammed shut, and the floor began to rumble. She was worried it was an earthquake, but her logical mind told her this was something paranormal. Sarah, taking advice from the ouija board, got up from the table and exited her flat. She walked down the stairs and into the road in front of the building. As Sarah glanced up at her living room window, she saw what she describes as a demon with horns and red eyes glaring back at her.
Needless to say, Sarah moved out of that flat the very next day. She told her landlord there was a rat problem to avoid losing her deposit, and found somewhere else to live locally.
She now believes her brother wasn’t the only spirit attempting to make contact with her. She believes her brother used to smell of cannabis to get her attention, as she knew he loved to smoke, and then warned her just in time about an evil force looking to either take over the space or worse, maybe even possess her.
No matter what the truth might be, Sarah seems to have had a lucky escape.
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Black Eyed Child of Cannock Chase Returns 2021
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Don't have nightmares!
Saturday, 18 September 2021
Ghosts of Cannock Chase - NEW BOOK FOR HALLOWEEN
Monday, 12 October 2020
EXCLUSIVE: Black Eyed Child Sighting at Cannock Chase
Here is a quote from the resident:
"I was walking at Birches Valley on Cannock Chase recording some footage of the woods for my family who live in America. They just wanted to see what my local area is like. You can see the black eyed girl walk into the shot from the left-hand side. She terrified me. I've never felt so scared in all my life. I was frozen still for a moment, and then she pointed straight at me. I ran away and didn't look back, and that's the last I saw of her. I've honestly never experienced anything like it before, but after reading about the black eyed children from Cannock Chase online, I thought I'd better send my footage over."
This is perhaps one of the best sighting videos we have of the black eyed girl from Cannock Chase to date. After a highly-publicised wave of sightings a few years ago, it's unsurprising to see more surfacing as we approach this time of year. Lots of people believe different things about the black eyed child. Some believe she is an alien or a demon, but I tend to think it's more likely she's a spirit lost in the woods attempting to find the way to her final resting place. If anyone else sees anything, please get in touch!.
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Top 5 Freakiest Coincidence of all time
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New for Halloween 2022: Haunted Cannock Chase - Real ghost stories from the UK's spookiest location
Haunted Cannock Chase: Real ghost stories from the UK's spookiest location - OUT NOW!!! Get your copy UK Get your copy US Brand new gh...
UPDATE 2021: Paranormal investigator Lee Brickley has a new book available about the supernatural happenings on Cannock Chase. Read it he...
UPDATE 2021: Paranormal investigator Lee Brickley has a new book available about the paranormal happenings on Cannock Chase. Read it he...