Monday 14 September 2015

New Black Eyed Child Sighting on Cannock Chase 2015 - You will want to read this one

The Cannock Post news team have just released a new Black Eyed Child sighting from Cannock Chase that occurred last week. Here's the link to the full article:

Paranormal investigator Lee Brickley has a new book available about the paranormal happenings on Cannock Chase. Read it here: UK Link - US Link or click the book cover below!

"I had a very disturbing incident yesterday Thurs 10th Sept 2015, approx 14.30hrs. I am an enthusiastic trekker and outdoors man. Whilst walking an old out of the way route over the chase, something very bizarre happened. A butterfly started to buzz me.

After several hundred feet of fast walking the same butterfly was still hovering around me, but just ahead, just as though it was leading me. Very very weird I thought. I entered a sheltered part of the walk where the sun was shielded by trees. The butterfly disappeared very quickly and the atmosphere cooled.

I happened to look to my left and about 100 feet away was a small thin child, age around 7 to 10, short dark hair, maybe a bob cut. The only way I could describe the child was like they were a black and white photo. Head slightly bowed and facing me. She didn't look menacing, ghostly or anything like how you might expect a spirit to look. I nearly fell over I was that shocked." 

What do you think?

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